Albino Pacman frog originate from South America. It is so named because its round mouth and head resemble the Pac-Man video game mascot. It comes in a variety of colors, including an attractive albino version. If you are looking for a pet that is easy to care for and easy to care for, it is suitable for beginners. Please read on to find out more about this frog.

Do Albino Pacman Frogs Make Good Pets?

PacMan the albino frog gets his name from his big, round lips. If you get too close, you will be bitten by this mouth. This makes them excellent observation pets. But it’s not suitable for catching. Does not require a large aquarium and is easy to maintain. It is important to understand that you should never keep more than one albino Pacman frog in one aquarium. If left together, they might hurt each other.


The albino species of Albino Pacman frog has yellow skin and pink spots. The belly is cream or pale yellow. The lips are large and the eyes are pink or dark red. When fully grown Females are 6 to 7 inches tall and are usually larger than males. Males typically grow to a length of 2.5 to 4 inches.

How to Take Care of Albino Pacman Frogs

Habitat, Tank Conditions & Setup

Caring for albino Pacman frogs is relatively easy. As long as you keep the aquarium clean and regulate humidity and temperature appropriately,


Pacman frogs require a 10 to 20 gallon tank and a tight-fitting lid. At least half of the lid should be closed to prevent air from becoming too stagnant and the tank becoming too humid. Because they are sensitive to disease it is therefore important to clean the aquarium regularly and change the substrate.


The skin and eyes of albino Pacman frogs are very sensitive to light. Therefore, lighting in the aquarium is not necessary. The room where your frog lives should have lots of natural light. If the room is too cold you can use a heat lamp to maintain the right temperature.

Heating (Temperature & Humidity)

The ideal temperature range for these frogs is around 70s Fahrenheit. You need to pay special attention to the temperature in your aquarium. This is because temperatures above 85 degrees can harm your frog. We recommend keeping humidity between 60% and 70%. Place a shallow container filled with water in the aquarium for the frog to sit comfortably to keep cool and moist.


Albino Pacman frogs like to dig tunnels. The surface of your tank should have at least 4 inches of coconut fiber, which allows the frogs to make tunnels. To keep the humidity level in your aquarium at an appropriate level. You must keep the surface damp. To reduce the risk of infection The substrate should be changed regularly.

Feeding Your Albino Pacman Frog

Greedy albino Pacman frog. Adult frogs should be fed about five crickets or cockroaches per day. You can remove the food from the tank after about 15 minutes if it has not been completely eaten. This will ensure the frog gets the calcium it needs. We recommend sprinkling insects with high quality calcium powder before feeding them. In rare cases, Pacman frogs also eat earthworms, fish, or small rodents.

Keeping Your Albino Pacman Frog Healthy

Pacman frogs are generally easy to care for and quite hardy. There are several health problems that you should be aware of if they arise.

Common Health Issues

Vitamin A deficiency: This vitamin deficiency is caused by a lack of nutrients in the frog’s diet. and is characterized by weight loss, abdominal swelling, and increased susceptibility to infection. Feeding frogs, crickets, cockroaches, earthworms and even small rodents will reduce their chances of getting this disease. Infection by bacteria: Frogs can contract bacterial diseases from contaminated water or substrate. If your frog has pus, swelling, or skin discoloration. You should take him to the vet.


Albino Pacman frogs can live seven to ten years in captivity. If they are raised in a clean, humid and temperature-controlled environment, a dirty habitat is the main factor in shortening the frog’s lifespan. The health of your pet frog depends on regular cleaning of surfaces, water and tank.


Albino Pacman unless you’re an expert. Breeding frogs in captivity is a challenging task. There must be the right combination of temperature and humidity. During the rainy season, females in the wild deposit their eggs in water. She can lay up to 1,000 eggs in one season!

Are Albino Pacman Frogs Friendly? Our Handling Advice

The Albino Pacman Frog’s skin is very smooth. Handling may irritate or damage the skin. They also have large mouths and powerful bites that can break a human finger. They will treat your fingers as prey and try to bite anything that moves. Unless it’s absolutely necessary. You shouldn’t try to take it.

Shedding & Hibernation: What to Expect

Frogs by Albino Pacman They shed their skin all the time. a few weeks after they ejaculate. They often swallow it. Pacman frogs develop a thick outer coat if their tank is not sufficiently moistened or fed. After that, the frog will remain silent. until ideal humidity returns. They use it to protect themselves from dry weather.

When the weather gets too cold, Pacman frogs also hibernate in the wild. Meanwhile, for captive-bred frogs, this is not necessary. Make sure the temperature and humidity are high enough if you see a frog with thick skin and not moving.

How Much Do Albino Pacman Frogs Price?

Even though the albino form of the Pacman Frog is relatively ordinary, prices can vary greatly depending on the breeder and region. Prices typically range from $25 to $65. Make sure you always buy frogs from a reputable source. Healthy frogs should have clean skin and eyes. and looks plump