A small yellow-black frog with red legs and buttocks is called a bee frog. This is different from most frogs or toads which tend to jump or jump. The characteristic of the bee frog is its bright color and easy gait. Bumblebee toads were originally imported in large quantities from Paraguay There is a particular tendency towards “boom and bust” cycles in the pet trade. This type of frog will become widely available once imports stop. Then it’s hard to find it later. Wild animals are cheap to catch and the challenges they face in breeding and raising their young. (They’re tiny!) They’re the main reason why bumblebee frogs have nearly disappeared from the pet trade in the US. many times In fact, after several years of being imported, they were recently discontinued again. Josh’s Frog spends a lot of time and energy on their breeding program for two reasons: this and a desire to reduce pressure on resident forests
Table of Contents
Bumblebee Toad Taxonomy
In addition to Bumble Bee Walking Toads, there are other common names for Bumble Bee Toads, including Paraguayan Walking Toads, Yellow and Black Walking Toads, and Redbelly Toads (which seems to be the term researchers use most often). It is of course unknown which breeds were traded as pets in the United States, although Weyenbergh (1875) classified them as domesticated breeds. Melanophryniscus stelzneri was first discovered, but Bumble Bee Toads are actually Melanophryniscus klappenbachi (described by Prigioni and Langone, 2000). According to reports, Melanophryniscus klappenbachi is only found in Argentina. Although toads are used in American entertainment as bees, they originate from Paraguay. My personal opinion is that Melanophryniscus stelzneri is most likely present in the United States based on currently available information. According to scientific literature, bee frogs have the following taxonomic history: Phryniscus stelzneri (Weyenbergh 1875) Atelopus stelzneri (Boulenger 1894) Bufo stelzneri (Noble 1922) Dendrophryniscus stelzneri (Noble 1926) Melanophryniscus stelzneri stelzneri (Gallardo) Melanoph 196 1) ryniscus klappenbachi -? – (lang Geroni and Primogeni 2000)
Natural Habitat of Bumblebee Toad
Bee frogs that are kept as pets come from Paraguay. Although this species is also found in northern Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, not much information is available regarding its habitat in Paraguay. Although according to some reports the bee toad lives in the mountainous grasslands called the Pampas, which stretch from southern Brazil to northern Argentina. Compared to rainforests, the Pampas grasslands are drier and cooler. and there are seasonal changes in temperature and rainfall. Winter temperatures range from 40F to 60F and summer temperatures range from 75-90F when spring arrives. Bee toads move to small, possibly temporary, green pools to breed. Collectors would benefit from the sudden increase in population. Most bumble frogs caught in the wild are collected while crossing roads. And they are usually sexually immature. It is believed that wild toads take a year or two to reach sexual maturity. Bee frogs are said to live in highlands between 500 and 1,000 meters above sea level. They benefit from the moist microclimate that forms beneath the pampas grass. In the wild, termites are often mentioned as the bumble frog’s main food source.
Adult Size of Bumblebee Toad
The sizes of male and female bumblebee frogs differ significantly. And adult frogs are not very big. Adults can reach 1 inch in length, although most only grow to about 3/4 inch. Large females can reach 1.5 inches tall and are noticeably larger and thicker than males.
Natural Lifespan of Bumblebee Toad

The average lifespan of the bumblebee frog is unknown. However wild caught animals live in captivity for ten years or more.
Status in the Wild of Bumblebee Toad
Bee toads are least noticed in the wild because of their large and numerous populations. with a constant population because the breeding pattern is very flexible. The bumblebee frog has successfully adapted to human encroachment on its natural habitat. Bee frogs can lay hundreds of eggs in just one nest. This allows them to reproduce in large numbers. Bee frogs often breed in roadside ditches or rice fields in many areas.
History of Bumblebee Toad in the Hobby
Unfortunately, bumblebee frogs have a very bad history in the US pet trade. Occasional Bumblebee Frog Available for several years, inexpensive and accessible in large quantities as imported wild-caught specimens. As a result, they are often considered disposable pets and sold as antiques to owners who do not heed their care requirements. Bee frogs look similar to dart frogs and are often raised in the same way. Although they have many similar characteristics, including liking to eat small portions. and use of undesirable colors (WARNING). However, bee toads are kept at the same high humidity levels. with dart frogs will be destroyed for this reason, as soon as imports are stopped. The abundance of bumblebee frogs has declined drastically. About a year after imports stopped in the early 2000s, prices soared to more than $200 per unit. Few, if any, have attempted to produce bee frogs in captivity. when these fish are widely available and cheap because they are wild catches. Breeding these frogs is not difficult. But it’s certainly not easy. to succeed We must master how to raise small prey and understand its natural history. Luckily, the team at Josh’s Frogs has long perfected the art of raising small treats like fruit flies and springtails. Moreover, Having a strong scientific basis allows us to verify its genus. Melanophryniscus with a level of detail never before seen in the pet trade. We have successfully raised large numbers of bee frogs throughout their life cycle.
Captive Husbandry of Bumblebee Toad
Toads and bees are a mystery. Bees, toads and bumblebees, are often considered easy captives. At first it seems almost unsolvable before a sudden decline occurs, as long as certain conditions are met. Bee frogs can also be kept in cages.
Captive Bred vs Wild Caught Bumblebee Toad
Conscientious pet owners should strive to adopt captive-bred animals whenever possible. These collections not only pose a threat to wild populations; However, most captive species have developed certain adaptations to their captivity. What’s more, compared to other wild animals, animals kept in captivity are also less likely to be exposed to parasites and diseases. If possible, buy animals directly from the breeder. Direct from the breeder to you. Rather than passing through many hands and being shipped multiple times, animals not only experience less stress over time. But you still have the opportunity to ask any questions. You may also have questions about your new pet. Every animal we sell at Josh’s Frogs is an animal that we have worked hard to breed.
Housing your pet Bumblebee Toad
The bee frog’s habitat is quite simple. Because really And they don’t take up much space. This Anura doesn’t need much. A 10-gallon container can hold four to six bumble frogs, while a large shepherd-sized container can only hold one or two adult frogs. Blebies thrive in groups and show complete indifference to each other. This toad cannot tolerate high humidity for long periods of time. Therefore ventilation is very important. This can be done using the image above. Josh’s Frogs recommends using crushed coconut fiber. While there are many different options, one you can create a vivarium comparable to keeping dart frogs by using Josh’s Frogs natural vivarium textures. Find something to hide under the bee frog, such as a leaf or cork bark. Generally bee frogs hide underneath. There should also be a shallow dish of water. Although bee frogs are not known for their climbing abilities, they are known for their climbing abilities. But they also like to have a small vivarium. Or live terrarium plants to climb. Bee toads do not need the light provided by living plants. While there is no evidence that UVB light helps bees, low level UV lamps, such as UVB 2.0 lamps, may be helpful.
Temperature and Humidity Requirements of Bumblebee Toad
This is due to the climate where they live in Paraguay. Therefore, bee frogs are able to tolerate a wide range of temperatures and humidity. Avoid extreme measures if you want to keep your bee frog happy and healthy. Although it works best at room temperature. In the 70s, bee frogs were able to survive temperatures as high as 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Seasonal variations in rainfall and humidity are also common in forests. Although they tolerate a lot of humidity. However, bee frogs cannot live in environments with humidity levels above 70% or more for long periods of time. This led to the destruction of many bee frogs. Keep humidity between 50 and 60 percent. Full and regular spraying will help maintain proper humidity levels. It is important to check humidity and temperature frequently with a hygrometer or thermometer.
Feeding your Bumblebee Toad
This is because bee frogs are microphages. Therefore, they only eat a small amount of food. Termites are said to be a food source for many wild bee toads. At Josh’s Frogs, we feed adult bee toads. Most are fruit flies, Hydei. along with springtails, isopods, and extra-small black soldier fly larvae. and 1/8 inch crickets. Fortunately, bumblebee frogs can get along well with other prey. They are easier to keep in captivity. In its early years, bumblebee frogs feed on baby springtails. They eat melanogaster fruit flies. That’s why Josh’s Frogs sells captive-bred bee frogs in such large sizes. High quality vitamin and mineral supplements should be used with all baits. A great option is the Josh’s Frogs Toad expansion pack.
Captive Breeding of Bumblebee Toad
Until now, breeding bee frogs is a futile effort. In fact, bumblebee frogs only reproduce a few times. However, most of these mating events produce relatively few offspring. Unfortunately, many bee toads caught in the wild were sold as fingerlings the last time they were introduced. I believe this is because only a small number of older animals are used in breeding programs. and no attempt to reproduce. So much so that imports of frogs were stopped Determining whether bumble frogs are caught in the wild or captive bred is a simple process. Bumble frogs caught in the wild have red spots on the bottom of their legs and back. These red patches turn yellow in animals kept in captivity. We at Josh’s Frogs try to address this problem by adding additional carotenoids to the tadpole’s diet. This may be due to the fact that they eat tadpoles.
Sexing Adult Bumblebee Toad
Adult bumble frogs are relatively easy to mate. Toads become sexually active at the age of 10 to 12 months, are about 1/5-2 times larger, and look rounder in shape than males and females. Males are smaller and slimmer. And they tend to make noise when raised in damp or damp environments. The beautiful voice of the bee frog is similar to the voice of a canary.
Cycling Bumble Bee Toads
Simulating the seasonal temperature and humidity that an animal or plant experiences in the wild is called cycling. This is often necessary for the organism to reproduce in captivity. Bee toads can be successfully bred in captivity without the need for cycling. But it will increase the chances of successful spawning. In the bee frog rotation We will reduce the feeding in half for a few weeks. Then lower the temperature to between 55 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. and turn off all water droplets. The frog will be fine as long as there is water in the shallow container. After two to three weeks We return to continue making mist. Feed the frog two or three times a day. and maintaining room temperature (around 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit). Adult females will have bloated eggs within a week or two. The fat woman looked ready to explode! In this step, all the bee frogs are placed inside the rain container.
Using a Rain Chamber with your Bumblebee Toad
By using a rain chamber, we can simulate the seasonal heavy rains that signal to many amphibians in the wild when it is time to breed. Our 40 gallon breeding tank, measuring 36 x 18 x 16 inches, is used for breeding bumblebee frogs. They mostly breed in Vernal pools. The bottom of the tank is filled with about 2 inches of gravel. The air pump supplies power to a number of sponge filters. This is necessary to maintain the oxygen level of the water and the population of good bacteria. The water in the aquarium is kept at a temperature of around 74F using a submersible heater.
Rain room with an adult bee frog resting on a piece of cork covered with Javanese moss. Adult bumble frogs have a place to hang out in the rain room. It is made from floating cork skin. To save the bee frog from drowning. So the plastic plant is placed in the corner of the room to protect it from rain and attached to the glass using a suction cup. Due to the clumsiness of the Bee Frog it can easily drown if it cannot get out of the water easily. The water is kept at a pH of about 6.5, a depth of about 10 inches, and a mixture of R/O water, tadpole tea (peat extract), and ready-to-use sea salt mixture to taste. (for saltwater aquariums) to reach a specific gravity of 1.001 so that good bacteria can reproduce. Josh’s Frogs highly recommends setting up a rain chamber several weeks before bringing in your bumble frog.
Bumblebee Toad Egg Care
When a cycling bumblebee frog is properly placed in a rain chamber the Frog will immediately start calling and will experience memory loss for the first 24 hours, if all goes as planned. Long, gray, stringy eggs appear one to three days later. It hangs several inches below the surface of plastic plants and Javan moss. Immediately remove any eggs that are not associated with the plant. This is because the eggs will soon become moldy and form fungus which can quickly damage healthy eggs. If the egg is intact, the egg will form small protrusions within 12 hours and resemble tadpoles within 2 days. Within 3-5 days, the eggs will hatch. depending on temperature
Bumble Bee Toad Tadpole Care
Small tadpoles measuring around 3-4 mm will descend into the gravel after the eggs hatch and remain there for several days. The reason is, they continue to consume the remaining egg yolk all this time. It’s time to feed when they start swimming. It’s time to start doing regular water changes. We fed the tadpoles with Repashy Savory Stew at Josh’s Frogs. Petri dishes were placed in the rain chamber every day. Prepare a small amount and pour half into a petri dish. By letting the gel harden then putting it in the refrigerator. To maintain water quality at the highest possible level Therefore, part of the water is replaced every day (approximately 50%). Tadpoles develop hind legs after 5-6 weeks and front legs 5-7 days later. At this stage, the frog, which is about the size of a fruit fly, is hardy and usually black in color. Will start to rise to the rest of the cork.
Caring for Young Bumble Bee Toads
It’s time to take the frog out of the rain bowl and put it in its container after it comes out of the water. We at Josh’s Frogs use a sterile container measuring approximately 24 x 15 x 6 inches with a glass top. This is very useful in maintaining the high humidity levels required by newly transformed bee frogs. Apart from a few handfuls of long-fiber moss and some plant remains, coconut fiber from damp soil is also used as a starting material. mineral supplements It may be difficult to clean springtails. First, we removed the springtails from cultivation using straw into a large container. Next, we cleanse the springtail with Repahy Calcium Plus, which better than many other supplements on the market seems to work better with Springtail. This process takes place in a 32 ounce cup.
One month old captive-bred bee toad. These little creatures grow quickly and eat surprising amounts of food. Inadequate feeding of frogs is the most common cause of failure. Melanogaster fruit flies are the primary food source for most bee frogs after they have been feeding on springtails for 8 weeks or more. Baby Bumblebee Toad is now ready for a new home. And we give them coconut fibers that are dry enough to separate when squeezed. As a place to hide the moisture Place a small pile of damp sphagnum moss. We used the mist once at night and the Exo Terra Breeder box. Room temperatures are in the mid-70s and humidity remains between 60 and 65 percent.
With recent advances in bee frog breeding, their future in this hobby is therefore bright. We at Josh’s Frogs will continue to breed healthy bumble frogs in captivity in hopes of meeting the increasing demand for these amazing little gems Although not many people are working with bumble frogs at the time this blog is published, But hopefully one day we will be able to eliminating the need for wild-caught bee frogs. Think about breeding some of them or adding them to your collection. In the past, they almost disappeared from the pet trade! As responsible pet owners It is our collective responsibility to ensure this does not happen again. Do you want to care for your bee frog easily? Check out Josh’s Bumblebee Frog and Toad Care Kit!