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HomeAnimalsHow to Care for Your Mountain Horned Lizard

How to Care for Your Mountain Horned Lizard

The mountain horned Lizard or Acanthosaura capra is a medium-sized diurnal arboreal chameleon native to Southeast Asia. Mostly Vietnamese and Cambodian. They are known as It is a “green thorny plant” and likes to live in tropical forests. Most mountain horned dragons can be up to 12 inches long with large eyes and triangular scales on their tails. Throat sac that resembles a beard Long thorns on the back of the neck And shorter spines on the front and back are the best way to identify them. The lizard’s design and color can change depending on how it feels. The base color is usually olive or brown. Although sometimes they can be green or almost black. There may be white or golden yellow patches. May not have a pattern or have a speckled pattern with black and white edges. When born in captivity instead of being caught in the wild Mountain dragons are famous for making excellent pets. This is because they are generally not in good health. They have higher parasite counts, are dehydrated, and are stressed. Wild-caught animals are therefore less likely to adapt successfully to captivity. However, very few of these breeds are legally raised in captivity in the United States.

How much space do mountain horned lizard need?

The minimum cage size for a mountain horned dragon should be 36″L × 18″W x 36″H. Obviously, it should be larger. Especially if it’s higher. These chameleons love to climb high! Placing the cage on a high surface mountain height It also helps. Mountain Horned lizard can live happily in groups or pairs as long as the males are separated from each other. But keeping several in the same cage together is not necessary for their health. to accommodate multiple animals at the same time The cage must be larger so that the animals can escape from each other.

Do mountain horned lizard need UVB?

To maintain good health Dragons need UVB light. In addition to providing the chameleon with an endless supply of vitamin D and helping to maintain the day/night cycle, UVB is also beneficial to the chameleon’s general health. Here are the best UVB bulbs for mountain horned dragons kept in a 36-inch tank:

  • T5 HO Arcadia Forest 6%
    T5 HO Reptisun 5.0 Zoo Med

When installed on top of the net The length of the UVB bulb should be approximately half the length of the room. The basking branch should be positioned so that the chameleon’s back is 7-9 inches below the bulb when basking. This is because the intensity of UVB rays varies with distance. A highly reflective T5 HO mount, such as the Arcadia ProT5 or Vivarium Electronics, is an ideal container to ensure this. Your UVB bulb holder does not have a clear plastic bulb cover. This is because UVB rays are blocked by plastic and glass.

Due to their nature, they go out for food each day. Mountain dragons are most active during the daytime. This points out to ensure that the cabinet is well lit. It’s a good idea to include an extra full-length daylight spectrum bulb, for this reason the Arcadia LED Bar or similar is a great choice.

In summer, provide 13 hours of light per day. In winter, allow 11 hours.

What basking temperatures do mountain horned lizard need?

Although it can be stored at room temperature. But mountain dragons can reach soft places. To bask in the sun and adjust the temperature. Therefore, they can choose how much heat they want to use in their habitat.

  • Sunbathing temperature: 86–90°F
    Temperature range is 73–82°F.
    Nighttime temperature: 70–75°F

Because horned dragons are sensitive to high temperatures. It is therefore common practice to provide low-intensity sunbathing areas. But the overall (ambient) temperature in the cage should not exceed 84°F. A low wattage white incandescent bulb installed in a ceramic dome light and placed on one side of the cage will provide warmth to your pet. The best results are obtained by grouping two lights close together. Avoid heating pads. red or blue light bulb Ceramic heat emitters (CHE) and other items that is inefficient As mentioned in the previous requirements. The basking surface should be made from a sturdy branch or vine located near the top of the enclosure. A digital probe thermometer should be used to measure temperature. The probe should be placed on a cool side of the floor and in a sunbathing area. at night The best way is to turn off the heat lamp. To help maintain the temperature at night Install one or more separate ceramic heat transmitters.

What humidity levels do mountain horned lizard need?

The ideal humidity level for mountain horned dragons is 70–80% during the day and higher at night. in the evening. Use an automatic misting system or pressure sprayer to spray two to three times a day. Then, preferably with a timer or humidifier installed, turn the humidifier on and off throughout the night. To prevent disease in your reptile, you should only use pure water with a humidifier and fogger, and you should clean it frequently. A digital probe hygrometer should be used to measure humidity, and the probe should be placed in the center of the terrarium. Humidity that is too high or low on a regular basis will make your dragon unhealthy!

What substrate is good for mountain horned lizard?

Although it spends most of its time on branches, mountain horned dragons have been observed descending to the ground to hunt and dig for worms. This natural habit will be accommodated and there will be a cushion there if the lizard falls from its perch if a substrate is used in the enclosure. It also helps retain moisture!

Zoo Med ReptiSoil, Zoo Med Eco Earth, Zoo Terra Plantation Soil, and Zoo Med Jungle Mix
Clean leaf litter should be placed on top of your substrate for optimal results! Every three to four months, the substrate should be replaced completely and at least four inches deep. Every day, remove all contaminated substrate along with dirt and veins.

What décor can you use in a mountain horned lizard terrarium?

A mountain horned dragon in a sparse and minimalist environment feels restless, and a stressed reptile will quickly get sick. For your pets, you’ll need branches, vines, and plants (ideally live plants) to create a workable environment. With an open space under the heat lamp, arrange the plants to provide a hiding place for the dragon that can be used as needed. Using live foliage is a good practice for horned dragons because live plants collect water droplets that the species can ingest. Pothos, pilea, epipremnum, ficus, dracaena, ferns, bromeliads and orchids are all suitable choices.

What do mountain horned lizard eat?

Due to their strictly insectivorous diet, mountain horned dragons must consume a wide variety of insects to get the nutrients they need. Providing prey every day; give your dragon as many insects as it can consume in 10 minutes for juveniles and 5 minutes for adults. Feeder insect choices include mealworms, superworms, crickets, discoids, dubias, black soldier fly larvae, hornworms, silkworms, earthworms, and canned snails. Worms are considered very popular among mountain horned dragons, but always remember that variety is the key to good nutrition!


In addition, so that your lizard does not suffer from deficiencies, you need to give it vitamin and calcium supplements. Repashy Calcium Plus LoD is what we recommend applying sparingly to all insects.


Your horned dragon will get most of its moisture from fog and from living in a fairly humid habitat. Installing a wall-mounted water dish and dropper on a broadleaf is also a recommended best practice. Daily, change the water, and scrub the bowl with a reptile-safe disinfectant once a week, or whenever the bowl becomes dirty.

Do mountain horned lizard like to be handled?

Few reptiles, to be honest, actually “like” being handled. Often, mountain horned dragons were easy to tame; they will eventually learn to perch on your shoulder and even take food from your fingers. Offering your pet as much good interaction as possible is key to developing a trustworthy bond. Starting by feeding the tweezers with food is a smart idea. When handling time comes, let the lizard crawl toward you; don’t take it!


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