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HomeSmall PetsPrairie Bluebell Chicken Breed Complete in 2024

Prairie Bluebell Chicken Breed Complete in 2024

Many chicken keepers consider Prairie Bluebell Chicken, also known as Prairie Bluebell egg laying hens, to be reliable and highly productive blue egg laying hens. Let’s talk about the new generation of hybrid cars that are quickly gaining popularity in America.

Quick Overview of Prairie Bluebell Chickens

prairie bluebell chicken

Although it is difficult to find and buy But Prairie Bluebell chickens, also known as Prairie Bluebell Eggers, produce stunning blue eggs that are darker and richer than Aracana chickens. They are a cross between an Araucana chicken and a White Leghorn chicken. Not a purebred chicken. Hoover’s Hatchery was built as recently as 2019. These birds have beautiful colored feathers, are light in weight and eat well. It’s a great strain for beginners and adds beauty to any backyard.

History of the Prairie Bluebell Chicken

Hoover Hatchery just launched Prairie Bluebell Chickens in 2019. At least one blue egg gene is present in first-generation (F1) prairie bluebell chickens. About 25% of second generation (F2) chickens may carry two blue egg genes. Develop your cockapoo with two blue genes to give your chicken the best results. The “risk” of inbreeding is that your chicks have a 25% chance of laying white eggs.

Prairie Bluebell Egger Appearance and Recognized Standard

This is because these chickens are hybrid chickens and are not members of any specific breed. Therefore, there is no clear standard for these chickens. The pattern and color of the plumage varies. Makes it look interesting and unique. Common colors include black, blue, quail, and splash, although they are less common. But you can still see frosted white, gold, gray, and faint smoke. Each has a comb nut. Some have delicate features (such as the White Leghorn mother) and some have smooth faces (such as the Aracauna father).

Prairie Bluebell Egger Temperament and Disposition

prairie bluebell chicken

These birds like to be left alone and roam freely. But they also appreciate living with humans. They combine the best characteristics of White Leghorns and Araucanas. Bluebell bird in the meadow Due to its peaceful nature Laying hens are therefore a good choice for beginners and can thrive in almost any climate. However, even these hardy birds need protection from extreme weather conditions such as cold snaps or heat waves. So be sure to take additional safety precautions when the weather changes unexpectedly. They can survive in some captivity. But it’s best if they have plenty of room to run. If you want to keep it, run. You need a tall fence or shelter. Although some may find seven feet tall enough. But we recommend eight feet for these agile fledglings. Don’t worry if a person or two pass by. They tend to like their cage and friends. More than an old tree to spend the night They will return in the evening. They are usually able to avoid most terrestrial predators because they move quickly and are always aware of their surroundings. This makes them quite clever hunters. Bluebell bird in the meadow Even chickens can find their own food. They generally prefer grass, seeds, and insects to the food you give them in the chicken coop. This is because they don’t eat much in the first place. The eggs you get from these beauties are therefore very cheap. They will be comfortable living with you if you don’t think too much about it. But they probably don’t want to greet you. (unless you have dessert). However, these adorable chickens will soon become your best friends in the backyard. If you are ready to spend time raising, getting to know, and playing with them. You get what you put in with Prairie Bluebell Eggers.

Prairie Bluebell Chicken Egg Laying

Each year, these birds lay between 240 and 280 medium-sized blue eggs, or about five eggs per week. About five months is when most prairie bluebell chickens begin laying eggs. Because of their parents’ inheritance We think they will lay eggs for many years. But because this hybrid has only been around since 2019, it’s very difficult to say for sure. According to producer Hoover Hatchery, it is estimated that this hybrid will produce approximately 500 eggs in its lifetime. Most meadow bluebells don’t bleed, besides, they don’t actually breed. Because they are not purebred. You’ll need to return to the hatchery or breed other Araucana chickens to become White Leghorn chicks if you want more Bluebells. Try breeding Prairie Bluebell chickens to Maran chickens (French Black Copper Marans are probably best) if you want to play with color. The next offspring will mature into beautiful dark green eggs. With tones of olive, sage or pistachio. You’ve never seen a greener egg.

Prairie Bluebell Chicken Meat Production

When fully grown These little birds will only weigh 4 or 5 pounds. Although the size is smaller than standard But it’s a standard size. You definitely don’t want to keep them for meat because of their small size. They are definitely not dual purpose competitions. Instead, they become confidants and producers of blue eggs.

Prairie Bluebell Egger Health Concerns

This is due to the strong DNA of the parent breed. These hybrid chickens are therefore immune to the most common chicken diseases. Like other breeds They thrive in uncontaminated environments and with low stress levels. have access to enough food And the water is always fresh and clean. Given the opportunity to walk for free for several hours every day. At least their mental health is at its best. If you can’t let them roam free Make sure they have a large enough chicken coop, roomy, and not crowded.

Is the Prairie Bluebell Chicken Right for You

Prairie Bluebells are a great choice if you are looking for a beautiful hybrid bird that is good at foraging. Give lots of beautiful blue eggs. and would be happy to be your friend. However, this is not the place for you if you want a meat bird that likes to live in a cage. Are Prarie Bluebells in your garden? Although there are not many But we hope that in the next few years Their popularity will grow in all our backyards.


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