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HomeSmall PetsWhat is a Black Axolotl? Info & Care Guide for Beginners (with...

What is a Black Axolotl? Info & Care Guide for Beginners (with Pictures) 

The black axolotl is a beautiful different from the common axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) and has received much care from the aquatic public. These mysterious creatures are strikingly dimmer in color than their wild relations. More interest is added to the already fascinating world of axolotls.

These rare examples come from selective breeding programs and can be genetically linked to Mexico’s Lake Xochimilco. Their unique quality is that they never truly go back to being larvae. This is a phenomenon called neoteny, in which they live their entire lives as aquatic larvae.

Black axolotls, despite their peculiar look, are great pets that allow enthusiasts to enjoy taking care of a fascinating aquatic companion and watching as their unique personalities develop. The mysterious beauty and neotenous character of black axolotls make them incredible undersea marvels.

Black Axolotl Appearance

Black Axolotl

When it comes to their arrival, black axes stand out in the aquatic world. These animals, which are like a cross between an amphibian and a lizard, have an amazing variety of forms that are well-suited to living subsurface.

Their long tails, with fleshy feathers on top and bottom, help them move through the water. Agile motion is helped by short legs with weblike toes, four on the front and five on the back of the foot.

But the most familiar aspect is their typical “headdress,” which consists of six disheveled extra times that form a crown. Axolotls can breathe subsurface thanks to their external gills, which are known by their black or slightly purple strings. It also gives them a royal aspect.

Black Axolotl Lifespan

Black Axolotl

Buying a black axolotl takes years of hard work. Because this aquatic treasure can live up to 15 years with proper management. However, the lifespan of these animals is determined by many factors. Including genetics If axolotls are exposed to poor living conditions or malnutrition, they can get sick or die even with standard care. Therefore, maintaining ideal farming routines and suitable habitat is essential for the long, healthy lives of these attractive companions.

Average Size

If you purchase a young black axolotl from a breeder or pet store They may only be a few inches long, but these aquatic creatures quickly grow to be 11 to 12 inches long.

Black Axolotl Care

Black Axolotl

Black axolotls are quite difficult to keep in a home aquarium. This makes them a good choice for new amphibian enthusiasts. Those with fishing experience can handle the fish due to its flexibility and overall moderate environmental requirements. But caring for them can be a challenge.

Owners can guarantee the health and longevity of their black axolotls by following recommended husbandry procedures. Including providing adequate space Providing a balanced diet and maintaining appropriate water quality With patience and dedication Enthusiasts can spend years with these amazing creatures.

Tank Size

But despite public opinion, black axolotls are slow swimmers. That’s why they don’t need very large aquariums. I need a place to hang out. However, it cannot swim as fast as a moving fish. Experts mention keeping these animals in an aquarium of at least 20 gallons to confirm they have enough space to move around comfortably. However, a 20-gallon tank should have a satisfactory capacity to raise a black axolotl. There is enough water play space for a simple decor.

Water Parameters

Native to the cold environment of Lake Xochimilco, black axolotls require specific water conditions to survive. These frogs do not do well in a tropical fish environment. However, it works best at temperatures between 60 degrees Fahrenheit and 64 degrees Fahrenheit. These temperatures range from 50 degrees Fahrenheit to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, it is less sensitive to pH and hardness. But consistency is important. Aim for pH 6.5 to 8.0 and water hardness 7 to 14 GH to avoid unnecessary stress to achieve optimum conditions. Always remember that large changes can adversely affect the health of your black axolotl.

Food & Diet

Black Axolotl

This is due to the black axolotl’s natural propensity towards meat-eaters. To maintain optimum health, cats need to be fed a high-quality protein diet, but due to incomplete vision and picky eating behaviors, they need to be fed a high-protein diet. They love speed and have a keen sense of smell. Therefore, it is difficult to feed these amphibians.

However, foods thawed in the freezer will work. However, live bait such as bloodworms, earthworms, and crickets are also recommended. It is possible to train a small axolotl to eat commercially available pellets. Although the results are contradictory.

It is important to follow the nutrition plan to prevent overfeeding. Adults should eat once or twice a week. Young people need three meals a day. Using tongs to feed your baby will make him or her more receptive to breastfeeding. And we make sure these fascinating animals get the nutrition they need.

Behavior & Temperament

Black axolotls can be cute. However, they have predatory tendencies that can cause problems in a normal aquarium environment. Due to limited visibility, they can sometimes act aggressively. Other tankers making mistakes Take the prey and cut it.

However, black axolotls are affectionate to their owners and can develop different personalities over time. Axolotl owners often enjoy observing their curious behavior and personalities. This is because axolotls respond well to human presence and can be fun to interact with humans.

Because of the predator’s instincts, black axolotls must therefore be carefully considered when selecting tank mates. But for those who are interested, their unique personalities and responses make them great companions.


Breeding black axolotls is difficult. But it is possible with a familiar couple who have grown up together since childhood. Aggressive specimens may be the result of more mature specimens. It emphasizes the importance of early socialization.

Couples living together peacefully can have a child once a year. When you start breeding You will need a separate tank with silkworms for egg production and conditioned with a high protein diet. Gradually lowering the temperature will affect egg-laying behavior.

The female lays large numbers of eggs on the surface of plants. They must hatch successfully after adjusting the temperature. Young axolotls need adequate nutrition to ensure they grow healthy when they hatch.


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