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Pool Frog Complete Information

The native British pool frog population appears to have been the hardest hit. By the mid-1990s, the British frogs were completely extinct and had to be reintroduced from Sweden. These frogs are vulnerable to habitat loss and pollution, which appears to be the cause of their extinction.

This species prefers small puddles; as its name suggests, and hibernates in the winter when it gets colder.

3 Incredible Pool Frog Facts!

  • One of the more interesting facts is that the pool frog has the ability to interbreed with the closely related marsh frog to produce a hybridized animal called the European edible frog. These male and female edible frogs can in turn produce viable offspring with the pool and marsh frogs, but if they try to mate with each other, then only infertile offspring will tend to result. The edible frog has green and yellow colorations with black stripes and splotches over its body.
  • Like most other amphibians, the pool frog has highly porous skin that can absorb oxygen and exchange gasses. In other words, it can quite literally breathe through its skin. This means it needs to be constantly moist to exchange gasses. However, the porous skin is also very susceptible to pollution.
  • The pool frog’s camouflage colors allow it to blend in with the environment and evade hungry predators.

Scientific Name

pool frog

Pelophylax Lessonae is the scientific name for the pool frog. The animal was named Michele Lessona after a 19th-century Italian scientist who studied amphibians. The pond frog was then transferred from the genus Rana, which includes pond frogs and the common frogs of Europe, to the genus Pelophylax, which includes the water frogs of Europe and Asia. Pelophylax appears to be a compound word derived from two Greek words, pelos (mud). and Flax (Sentinel)

A similar species of frog, found in Italy, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and Elba, is known as the Italian marsh frog. These two species belong to the same genus Pelophylax, but are different enough to have separate species names.

Evolution and Origins

pool frog

The oldest known “proto-frog” fossils are from Madagascar, from the Early Triassic period. However, according to molecular clock ages, they may be descended from other amphibians, even more distant. The Permian period ended about 265 million years ago.

In fact, the first large group of amphibians appeared 370 million years ago in the Devonian period. They are the descendants of fish similar to modern lungfish and coelacanths. With fins similar to feet.

These prehistoric fishes were able to crawl on the ocean floor thanks to the joints and fingers of their fins. These fish later gave rise to other species of fish and frogs today.

Pool Frog Appearance

pool frog

The Ishi frog is easily distinguishable from other frogs by its color, but it also has other characteristics such as a pointed head, long legs, and webbed hind feet. And the horizontal iris is green or brown. It has large black spots, a white abdomen, and a light green or yellow stripe running down its back. The exact determination of the color and design varies from group to group and even from person to person.

Ishi frogs are relatively small animals. They grow to a maximum size of 2.3 to 3 inches, and males have two large vocal sacs on the sides of their heads. And they are a little smaller than females. These sacs are used to amplify the male’s mating calls when it is time to reproduce.

Pool Frog vs. Common Frog

People sometimes confuse the common frog with the pond frog. Due to their size and appearance, they are similar in Europe, but the main difference is that the common frog has short legs, a rounded head, and a prominent brown or yellow body.

The common frog moans more during the breeding season in February and March, because it does not have the large sacs on the sides of its head. May or June is the breeding season for pond frogs.

Pool Frog Behavior

Bush frogs are solitary animals that hunt and live alone. They only breed in May-June. When male frogs make sounds similar to their croaking to attract suitable females. Do they interact with each other? Frogs create long-distance vibrations in their throats by moving air between their lungs and air sacs. The drawback of this strategy is that the frog’s location may be revealed to predators. They only make noise when absolutely necessary. For this reason alone

Bush frogs are cold-blooded amphibians. That means they cannot thermoregulate. However, their body temperature changes in response to external factors. Their behavior focuses on daily and seasonal variations in environmental temperature. For example, pond frogs hibernate under logs or in tree cavities between October and April to avoid the harsh cold.

Pool Frog Habitat

Bush frogs are found throughout Europe. And have extended eastward to reach Russia. They seem to be in decline in Norway and Sweden, including other Nordic countries. They were once a common sight across the UK, until disappearing entirely from the islands in the 1990s. These British groups are unique to the UK, based on fossil and genetic studies, and are thought to date back to early medieval Saxon times. These UK populations are closely related to the Scandinavian stone frog.

Permanent puddles, ponds, or marshes with dense vegetation provide habitat for stone frogs. This means that they prefer to settle near rivers and streams from time to time. Most of the frogs’ lives are spent in or near these water bodies, especially during the summer months.

Pool Frog Diet

No matter where this frog is found, it plays an important role in the ecosystem by reducing the amount of small pests present. Their main tools for catching prey are their long tongue and jumping ability.

What does the pool frog eat?

The diet of the stone frog consists of algae and decomposed organic matter. The larvae become flies and grubs once metamorphosis is complete. The main food source for adult stone frogs is insects, worms, and other small invertebrates.

Predators and Threats

Several factors also include disease, pollution, and drainage problems. Habitat loss due to residential and agricultural expansion. As a result of these conditions that are a threat to these frogs, populations in some areas are lower than their original range.

What eats the pool frog?

Foxes, snakes, herons, otters, and other carnivores that eat adult frogs Some insects and fish eat tadpoles.

Reproduction, Babies, and Lifespan

The start of the warm weather in May or June marks the beginning of the frog breeding season. As previously reported, males use their large cheek pouches to loudly attract suitable mates. Through the breeding process, females lay a mass of 400 to 4,000 brown and yellow eggs near the water’s surface. The exact number depends on a number of variables. Including the surrounding temperature.

Frog development begins at the tadpole stage. The tadpoles’ large tails and external gills allow them to survive in the ponds and ponds where they first lay their eggs. To survive, tadpoles must start feeding immediately. That’s because the parents don’t devote much time and energy to raising the young. Many of them don’t make it past this first stage because they are eaten by predators early on.

The tadpoles go through a notable transition period until they become adults in August or September. They become fully grown frogs, close their gills, and drop their tails, but not before the frogs are able to reproduce on their own. It takes 2 to 3 years to complete. The lifespan in the wild is 6 to 12 years.


The IUCN Red List makes it very difficult to determine how many Swedish frogs are still around, but data suggests that populations in most parts of Europe have declined as a result. . After a rapid decline in Swedish frog populations throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, Swedish frogs finally disappeared from the UK in 1994 or 1995.

Between 2005 and 2008, conservationists collected large numbers of Swedish frogs in an effort to reintroduce them to the UK, introducing them to two areas in Norfolk. Therefore, the Forestry Commission is doing all it can to restore the ponds where the frogs grow. Conservationists have then dispersed these populations elsewhere. In the UK, to allow populations to replenish when the population is stable, UK law strictly protects these frogs, making it illegal to kill, harm, sell or trade them.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. Are Pool Frogs herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores?

Pool Frogs are Carnivores, meaning they eat other animals.

Q. Where do pool frogs live?

For the most part of Europe, permanent puddles, ponds, or marshlands are home to pool frogs. Its range is from Sweden in the north to Romania and Serbia in the south, and from France in the west to Russia in the east.


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